As technology becomes integrated into more aspects of our lives, the profile of risks associated with technology is also expanding. New advances in many kinds of technologies pose potentially, significant ethical challenges (e.g. ‘Artificial intelligence’ (AI), ‘Biotechnology’, or decarbonization technologies). This coincides with our increasing use of these technologies, creating potential risks at a macro-level (e.g. cybersecurity of a nation’s critical infrastructures) and at a micro-level (e.g. security of personal data and individuals’ vulnerability to online manipulation). Such risks are certainly to be expected with the advent of disruptive technologies and they are the price we have to pay for the great benefits these technologies offer us; it is a question of how well we recognize and mitigate these risks so as to ensure that new technologies can be used for the benefit of all.
Society trends
Many governments around the world are turning their attention to the ethics of technology and the implications of fast-developing technology for future societies.
Ethics related to the use of ‘Artificial intelligence’ for automated vehicles, automated decisions, and consumer interactions are topics that are frequently raised[1] and governments will increasingly be expected to address concerns around digital harm, disinformation, antitrust and foreign interference.[2] The AI-enabled technologies of the future must benefit from effective ‘technical, legal, and ethical frameworks’, according to the UK Ministry of Defence. Ethical questions are perhaps most critical in the area of militarized AI, and the use of technology in conflict. While machines could behave without regard for human suffering, they may also more accurately calculate the costs of conflict. Complexities can be expected to arise if countries develop conflicting ethical and legal frameworks for AI, both in military contexts and more broadly.[3] Other key ethical issues related to AI systems are about unwanted bias, eavesdropping, and safety, and industry is already busy trying to address these. The ISO/IEC committee working on AI (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42) has collected 132 use cases for AI, including ethical considerations and societal concerns for each (for more details, see ISO/IEC TR 24030:2021, Information technology – Artificial intelligence (AI) – Use cases).
When considering the ethics of using AI, however, it is equally important to consider the ethics of not using AI. The risks of using AI are frequently discussed, but one question that is not addressed often enough is – when does it become unethical for us not to use AI? For example, if AI technology could predict the next pandemic or speed up vaccine development, one could argue that it would be unethical not to use this technology. There are plenty of examples like this, for instance, a common question posed is: if an AI-enabled autonomous vehicle had to hit someone, who should it hit? But is this the right question if the proper use of AI-enabled autonomous driving can help save lives by reducing accidents overall?
Of course, AI is not the only emerging technology that could pose significant ethical challenges in the future. Advancements in biotechnology could – alone, or in combination with AI – lead to the creation of synthetic life forms or augmented human beings, with enhanced physical or cognitive abilities. How to regulate technologies that can fundamentally alter human capabilities or change the human gene pool “could prompt strident domestic and international battles” in coming decades (see ‘Gene editing’).[4] Even technological advances to treat diseases could engender political debates about the ethics of access (since treatments are likely to be available only to those who can afford them).[4] Not to mention continued ethical debates about genetically engineered crops and foods and their potential ecological or health-related consequences.[5]
As the climate crisis becomes more urgent, we may also soon face ethical issues related to the use of new technologies for decarbonization. While geoengineering technologies (carbon dioxide [CO2] removal and solar-radiation management) have for many years been considered morally unacceptable, they are now gaining more attention as potential solutions of last resort.[6] Ethical concerns here range from distributive justice for future generations or vulnerable populations (negative effects of geoengineering actions could disproportionately some countries or populations e.g. by increasing drought in Africa and Asia), to procedural justice questions (who should decide to use these technologies and how?).
Related trends
News stories
- Trustworthiness — Vocabulary
- ISO/IEC DTS 6254 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Objectives and approaches for explainability and interpretability of ML models and AI systems
- Technologies de l'information — Intelligence artificielle — Traitement des biais indésirables dans les tâches d'apprentissage automatique de classification et de régression
- ISO/IEC FDIS 12792 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Technologies de l'information — Intelligence artificielle — Taxonomie pour la transparence des systèmes d’IA
- ISO/IEC CD TS 22443 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Guidance on addressing societal concerns and ethical considerations
- Technologies de l’information — Intelligence artificielle — Recommandations relatives au management du risque
- Technologies de l'information — Intelligence artificielle — Examen d'ensemble de la fiabilité en matière d'intelligence artificielle
- Information technology — Artificial intelligence — Overview of ethical and societal concerns
- Technologies de l'Information — Gouvernance des technologies de l'information — Implications de gouvernance de l'utilisation par des organisations de l'intelligence artificielle
- Technologies de l'information — Intelligence artificielle — Système de management
- Sécurité routière — Recommandations relatives aux considérations éthiques en matière de sécurité pour les véhicules autonomes
- Déclarations éthiques et informations associées — Principes et exigences
- Information technology — JPEG TrustPart 1: Core foundation
- ISO/IEC AWI 21617-2 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information technology — JPEG TrustPart 2: Trust profiles catalogue
“Trust and accountability are the new litmus tests for businesses in a world where digital is everywhere.”[7]
In the future, will data privacy be a thing of the past? Many sources agree that there is a clear trend towards the progressive loss of privacy that accompanies new developments in technology. According to the UK Ministry of Defence, “In the coming decades, every facet of one’s life is likely to be recorded by the ubiquitous presence of wearable devices, smart sensors and the ‘Internet of Things’”.[3] But at the same time, there is also a trend towards emphasizing privacy, for example, using privacy by design development. Once privacy-respecting technology is available, the market has the choice, and the global success of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) principles is an indicator of this trend.[8]
The use of biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial mapping, is increasing in both private (e.g. social media and personal technology products) and public (law enforcement and population surveillance) contexts.[9,10] Consumer trust will be an increasingly important issue as technology becomes increasingly prolific in everyday activities. Already, a majority of consumers are wary of connected devices and fearful of misuse of their personal data.[7,11] Some even suggest there may be a ‘digital bubble’, the bursting of which will be due in part to privacy concerns – “Concerns about data privacy have called into question whether digital technologies will continue to grow at this rate.”.[11] At the same time, companies are adjusting to market conditions and, if the market demands privacy, industry will develop appropriate products.[7] Industry needs to realize that privacy-respecting products are not much more expensive (if well done), but can instead provide a competitive advantage, since trust is a key decision factor for consumers faced with multiple options. Initiatives allowing the creation of ‘digital trust’, such as Yelp and Foursquare, are thus likely to grow in popularity.[12] Once society acknowledges that data has a value and therefore the data owner needs to be paid, a ‘new balance’ will be established. The question is, if and when such an acknowledgement may come…?
In the meantime, to reassure consumers, both government regulation and business leadership are necessary to establish privacy and data management standards that keep pace with emerging needs.[10] Indeed, this will be a growing consumer expectation.[7] Ultimately, it seems inevitably that technology will permeate almost everything we do and lead to enormous improvements in quality of life across society. However, these benefits will need to be carefully balanced with the accompanying risks to privacy and security.[12]
Related trends
News stories
- ISO/IEC CD 5181.2 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information technology — Security and privacy — Data provenance
- Securité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Protection des informations biométriques
- ISO/IEC 24760-1 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — A framework for identity managementPart 1: Core concepts and terminology
- ISO/IEC 24760-3 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité IT et confidentialité — Cadre pour la gestion de l'identitéPartie 3: Mise en oeuvre
- ISO/IEC WD 24760-4.4 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité IT et vie privée — Cadre pour la gestion de l'identitéPartie 4: Authentificateurs, authentifiants, et authentification
- ISO/IEC 27706 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Technologie de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Exigences pour les organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification des systèmes de management de la protection de la vie privée
- ISO/IEC WD 27091.3 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Cybersecurity and Privacy — Artificial Intelligence — Privacy protection
- Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Security and privacy requirements for authentication using biometrics on mobile devicesPart 1: Local modes
- ISO/IEC FDIS 27553-2 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Security and privacy requirements for authentication using biometrics on mobile devicesPart 2: Remote modes
- Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Cadre centré sur l'utilisateur pour le traitement des données à caractère personnel basé sur des préférences relatives au respect de la vie privée
- Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Application de l'ISO 31000:2018 au management des risques organisationnels liés à la vie privée
- Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Cadre pour la dé-identification de données pour la protection de la vie privée
- Technologies pour la protection de la vie privée — Structure de l'information d'enregistrement du consentement
- Sécurité de l’information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Méthode et modèle d'opérationnalisation de la confidentialité pour l'ingénierie (POMME)
- Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de la vie privée pour les services fintech
- Sécurité et respect de la vie privée dans les cas d’usage de l’intelligence artificielle — Bonnes pratiques
- ISO/IEC DIS 27565 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Guidelines on privacy preservation based on zero knowledge proofs
- ISO/IEC DIS 27566-1 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Age assurance systemsPart 1: Framework
- ISO/IEC WD 27566-3.2 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection — Age assurance systemsPart 3: Benchmarks for benchmarking analysis
- ISO/IEC FDIS 27701 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Systèmes de management de la protection de la vie privée — Exigences et recommandations
- Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Cadre privé
- Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Lignes directrices pour l'étude d'impacts sur la vie privée
- ISO/IEC DIS 15944-8 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Technologies de l'information — Vue opérationnelle d'affairesPartie 8: Identification des exigences de protection de la vie privée en tant que contraintes externes sur les transactions d'affaires
- ISO/IEC FDIS 15944-12 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Technologies de l'information — Vue opérationnelle d'affairesPartie 12: Exigences en matière de protection de la vie privée (PPR) relatives à la gestion du cycle de vie de l’information (ILCM) et de l'EDI des renseignements personnels (PI)
- Technologies de l'information — Vue opérationnelle d'affairesPartie 17: Règles et principes fondamentaux régissant les exigences de protection de la vie privée par conception (PbD) dans un contexte d'EDI et d'espace de collaboration
- ISO/IEC DIS 29187-1 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Technologies de l'information — Identification des exigences de protection privée concernant l'apprentissage, l'éducation et la formation (AÉF)Partie 1: Cadre général et modèle de référence
- ISO/CD 30439 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Human Resource Management — Safe Handling of Data
- Protection des consommateurs — Respect de la vie privée assuré dès la conception des biens de consommation et services aux consommateursPartie 1: Exigences de haut niveau
- Protection des consommateurs — Respect de la vie privée assuré dès la conception des biens de consommation et services aux consommateursPartie 2: Cas d’usage
Increasing reliance on technology and the proliferation of digital devices in daily life will create increasing risks related to ‘Data privacy’, cyberattacks, and consequences of system failure.[3,13] The key factor for prevention is risk awareness and proactive risk mitigation.
New digital technologies present serious challenges for governments and organizations and cybersecurity will remain a priority as critical infrastructure is increasingly connected to online systems and technological dependence on the Internet continues to rise (see ‘Spread of the Internet’). Internationally, countries will have to respond to evolving cyber-threats and prepare for cyberattacks as an instrument of war, counterintelligence, and political interference.[9,13,14] One data breach can impact multiple nations sharing online systems.[15] If they are aware, national leaders may take appropriate steps to protect large-scale systems such as electrical, communications, financial, logistical, and food-production grids.[9] They need to be proactive. Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation or the EU Cybersecurity Act are two examples of such proactive ventures.
Questions around ‘cyber borders’ may be part of the discussion around ensuring protection from attacks therefore countries and organizations alike must prepare for developments in cyber-crime.[3] As increasing numbers of citizens are connected to, and reliant on, online networks, the potential for terrorist attacks will grow, if the system is not resilient enough and sufficiently protected.[9] For developing countries in particular, preparedness for cyber-threats will need to accompany digitalization programmes and development of connected systems.[16]
Finally, cyber-vulnerability does not exist only at the level of countries and organizations. Looked at from a slightly different perspective, the vulnerability of individuals is also set to increase because of their online exposure. For example, more people will get their information online, leaving them potentially more exposed to misinformation (‘fake news’), which could be used to manipulate individuals or even on a larger scale to influence public opinion.[13]
To effectively mitigate these risks related to cyber-vulnerability, people cannot rely on government action alone – society needs to be the driving force. Society needs to demand that organizations maintain highly sophisticated information security systems to foster consumer trust and remain competitive.[2]
Related trends
News stories
- Cybersécurité — Divulgation et traitement de vulnérabilité coordonnée entre plusieurs parties
- Cybersécurité — Considérations relatives à la sécurité tout au long du cycle de vie du produit
- ISO/IEC DIS 15408-1 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Critères d'évaluation pour la sécurité des technologies de l'informationPartie 1: Introduction et modèle général
- ISO/IEC DIS 15408-2 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Critères d'évaluation pour la sécurité des technologies de l'informationPartie 2: Composants fonctionnels de sécurité
- ISO/IEC DIS 15408-3 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Critères d'évaluation pour la sécurité des technologies de l'informationPartie 3: Composants d'assurance de sécurité
- ISO/IEC DIS 15408-4 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Critères d'évaluation pour la sécurité des technologies de l'informationPartie 4: Cadre prévu pour la spécification des méthodes d'évaluation et des activités connexes
- ISO/IEC DIS 15408-5 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Sécurité de l'information, cybersécurité et protection de la vie privée — Critères d'évaluation pour la sécurité des technologies de l'informationPartie 5: Paquets prédéfinis d'exigences de sécurité
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- Cybersécurité — Modèle de référence de sécurité pour plateforme internet industrielle (SRM- IIP)
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- Cybersécurité — Lignes directrices relatives à la sécurité sur l’internet
- Cybersecurity — Supplier relationshipsPart 2: Requirements
- Cybersécurité — Relations avec le fournisseurPartie 3: Lignes directrices pour la sécurité de la chaîne de fourniture en matériel, logiciels et services
- Cybersécurité — Recommandations de sécurité pour l'établissement de connexions de confiance entre dispositifs et services
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- ISO/IEC WD TS 27115.3 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Évaluation de la cybersécurité des systèmes complexes — Introduction et vue d'ensemble du cadre
- Cybersécurité — Sécurité et protection de la vie privée pour l’IoT — Lignes directrices
- Cybersécurité — Sécurité et protection de la vie privée pour l'IdO — Exigences de base relatives aux dispositifs
- Cybersécurité — Sécurité et protection de la vie privée pour l'IDO — Lignes directrices pour la domotique-IDO
- ISO/IEC DIS 27404 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Cybersecurity — IoT security and privacy — Cybersecurity labelling framework for consumer IoT
- Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Divulgation de vulnérabilité
- Technologies de l'information — Techniques de sécurité — Processus de traitement de la vulnérabilité
- Ships and marine technology — Assessment of onboard cyber safety
- Navires et technologie maritime — Cybersécurité
- Véhicules routiers — Lignes directrices pour l’audit de l’ingénierie de la cybersécurité
- ISO/SAE CD PAS 8475 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Véhicules routiers - Niveaux d'assurance (CAL) et faisabilité des attaques ciblées (TAF) en matière de cybersécurité
- ISO/SAE AWI TR 8477 [Actuellement en cours d'élaboration]Véhicules routiers — Vérification et validation de la cybersécurité
- Véhicules routiers — Ingénierie de la cybersécurité
ISO/CD TS 23543[Supprimée]Recommandations pour l'élaboration d'exigences en matière de cybersécurité dans les normes relatives aux matériels d'anesthésie et de réanimation respiratoire
- Exigences électriques pour les ascenseurs, les escaliers mécaniques et les trottoirs roulantsPartie 20: Cybersécurité
- Informatique de santé — Cadre en matière de cybersécurité pour les environnements de télésantéPartie 1: Vue d'ensemble et concepts
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- Informatique de santé — Interopérabilité des dispositifsPartie 40101: Fondamentaux — Cybersécurité — Processus pour l'évaluation de la vulnérabilité
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