ISO/IEC TR 29138-2:2009 identifies a collection of documents (which it refers to as standards even though they encompass more than traditional ISO and ISO/IEC standards) that provides guidance on meeting the needs of people with disabilities. While its primary audience is standards developers, it can also be helpful for developers of information technology products and services, policy makers, procurers and for accessibility advocates to consider.
In addition to identifying user needs, ISO/IEC TR 29138-2:2009 identifies problems that people with disabilities experience with information technologies that lead to these user needs and identifies the relationship of these user needs with the accessibility factors for standards developers to consider found in ISO/IEC Guide 71: Guidelines to address the needs of older persons and people with disabilities when developing standards.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2009-06Stage: International Standard published [60.60]
Edition: 1Number of pages: 43
Technical Committee :ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35
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