ISO/TS 20451:2017 defines the concepts required to associate pharmaceutical products with an appropriate set of PhPID(s) in accordance with ISO 11616.
Pharmaceutical identifiers and elements are to represent pharmaceutical products as represented in a Medicinal Product as indicated by a Medicines Regulatory Authority. The suite of ISO IDMP standards can be applied to off-label usage of Medicinal Products, but is currently outside of the scope of ISO/TS 20451:2017.
Reference to ISO 11238, ISO 11239, ISO 11240 and ISO 11615 and HL7 messaging standards, HL7 Reference Information Model (RIM), HL7 V3 Common Product Model (CPM) and HL7 V3 Structured Product Labelling (SPL) can be applied for pharmaceutical product information in the context of ISO/TS 20451:2017.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 2017-10Stage: International Standard to be revised [90.92]
Edition: 1Number of pages: 48
Technical Committee :ISO/TC 215ICS :35.240.80
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Life cycle
Will be replaced by
Under developmentISO/CD TS 20451