ISO/PRF 4211-1
Furniture — Tests for surface finishes — Part 1: Assessment of resistance to cold liquids
Ссылочный номер
ISO/PRF 4211-1
Версия 1
ISO/PRF 4211-1
Проект данного международного стандарта находится на этапе утверждения.
Текущее издание: ISO 4211:1979


This document specifies a method for the assessment of the resistance to cold liquids of all rigid furniture surfaces regardless of materials. It does not apply to leather and textile surfaces. The test is intended to be carried out on a part of the finished furniture, but can be carried out on test panels of the same material, finished in an identical manner to the finished product, and of a size sufficient to meet the requirements of the test. The type and number of test liquids (Annex A) and the test periods (Table 1) shall be stated in requirement specifications or shall be agreed upon between purchaser and supplier or interested parties. Annex A (normative) includes a selection of suitable test liquids. Other liquids can be used if required.

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