The National Quality Awards (NQA) is Guyana's first such programme and second in the CARICOM region, which recognizes local businesses that demonstrate the commitment to quality standards and best practices in both the production of goods and delivery of services.
The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS), operating under the Ministry of Tourism Industry & Commerce is the National Standards Body (NSB) of Guyana, established under the Standards Act No. 11 of 1984.In addition to its legal status as a statutory corporation, the GNBS is governed by the National Standards Council (NSC) appointed by the Minister of Tourism Industry & Commerce.
As a member of the CARICOM Regional Organization for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), the GNBS participates in standardisation both on a regional and international scale. As a signatory to the WTO/TBT Code of Good Practice for Standardization, the GNBS serves as the WTO/TBT National Enquiry Point. The GNBS also serves as the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission Contact Point.
Our mission
To develop and implement the National Quality Infrastructure in partnership with key stakeholders, towards sustainable socioeconomic development and consumer protection.
Our vision
To be the premier National institution for Standards and Quality.
Our core services
- Calibration and Testing
- Certification (Laboratory & Product)
- Consultation Services
- Product Inspection
- Standards Development
- Training and Technical Assistance
- Verification
Our role
- Supports trade and enhances business competitiveness through standards.
- Encourages business growth and development by implementing standards to improve the efficiency and quality of the industry's products.
- Facilitate the development of a National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) by providing essential services such as verification, calibration, testing and certification within the National Framework, ensuring the provision of high-quality products and services.
- Safeguard consumers by enforcing standards to shield consumers from subpar products and services.
Guyana National Bureau of Standards
Track MB, Block B
National Exhibition Centre, Sophia
Tel: +592 219 0062/64/65/66 / +592 692-GNBS (4627)