Projet de travail approuvé
ISO/AWI 22192
Soutage de fioul marin à l’aide d’un débitmètre massique (MFM) selon le principe de Coriolis
Numéro de référence
ISO/AWI 22192
Edition 2
Projet de travail approuvé
ISO/AWI 22192
Un groupe de travail a préparé un projet.
Remplacera ISO 22192:2021


This document specifies procedures and requirements for the transfer of bunkers to vessels by bunker tankers using the Coriolis mass flow meter (MFM) system. It encompasses the process leading to the approval of the MFM system as installed on bunker tankers and post-approval bunkering operation. It covers terminology, specifications, requirements and procedures on metrology, system integrity, metering system selection and installation, MFM system verification, bunker delivery and dispute handling.

NOTE Local and international regulations, such as the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) can apply.

Informations générales

  •  : Projet
    : Nouveau projet enregistré au programme de travail du TC/SC [20.00]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 28/SC 2
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