ISO standards for protection against crime offer essential guidelines to safeguard individuals, organizations, and communities. Covering security management, physical security, and technology-driven solutions, these standards enhance crime detection, prevention, and response. By promoting consistent practices and innovative approaches, they help create safer environments and reduce criminal risks globally.


A symbolic representation of different topics related to cryptography
Qu’est-ce que la cryptographie ?
Cryptography is an important computer security tool that deals with techniques to store and transmit information in ways that prevent unauthorized access or interference.
Male judge striking gavel in courtroom, close-up.

Par Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis |

Combattre la corruption à l’aide des normes ISO

Le 9 décembre, Journée internationale de lutte contre la corruption, est l’occasion de sensibiliser aux normes ISO qui contribuent à façonner le monde pour y apporter plus d’équité et de justice.

 Overhead view of kids coloring a picture with colored chalk in driveway.

Par Clare Naden |

Construire de meilleures communautés

Une Norme internationale relative à la prévention de la criminalité par la conception environnementale (CPTED) vient d’être publiée.

Normes incontournables