ISO 22742:2010
- specifies the minimum requirements for the design of labels containing a linear bar code and two‑dimensional symbols on product packages to convey data between trading partners,
- provides guidance for the formatting on the label of data presented in a linear bar code, two‑dimensional symbols or human‑readable form,
- provides specific recommendations regarding the choice of linear bar code and 2D symbologies, and specifies quality requirements and classes of bar code density,
- provides specific recommendations regarding 2D symbologies, which allow a broad choice for general use of scanning hardware (e.g. area imagers, linear imagers, single‑line laser scanners, and rastering laser scanners), and
- makes recommendations as to label placement, size and the inclusion of free text and any appropriate graphics.
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrolloEtapa: Borrador de comité (CD) registrado [30.00]
Edición: 3
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 122
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PublicadoISO 22742:2010