Las normas ISO mejoran la eficiencia energética, la seguridad y el rendimiento de los centros de datos, garantizando que sus datos se almacenan y gestionan en condiciones óptimas.


The circular economy: building trust through conformity assessment
Standards and conformity assessment provide assurance on aspects of the circular economy including product lifetime and recyclability, safety and efficiency.
Adoptar el cero neto: un paso crucial hacia un futuro sostenible
Alcanzar el cero neto en las emisiones de carbono no es solo una urgencia ambiental; también presenta oportunidades significativas para organizaciones de todos los tamaños.
Light from a digital tablet reflects on a young girl’s face as she works in a dimly lit server room.

Por Clare Naden el

Getting big on data

The latest in the series of standards for big data reference architecture now published.

Normas esenciales

Information technology — Cloud computing
Part 1: Vocabulary

Information technology — Cloud computing
Part 3: Reference architecture

Information technology — Cloud computing
Part 2: Concepts

Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures
Part 1: General concepts

Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures
Part 2: Building construction

Information technology — Data centre facilities and infrastructures
Part 7: Management and operational information