

Dental CAD/CAM systems Standardization of:

  • performance, safety and interoperability requirements of CAD/CAM systems for digitizing, designing and manufacturing patient specific products, the components of which include but are not limited to three-dimensional measuring devices (digitizing devices), manufacturing devices, and computer programs;
  • Performance and safety requirements for materials specifically intended for CAD/CAM systems that are used to manufacture patient-specific dental products;
  • clinically relevant test methods; and terms and definitions, all of which contribute to improved global health.
  • Quick links


    Published ISO standards *


    ISO standards under development *

    Participating members
    Observing members

    * number includes updates

    Reference Title Type
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 2   Terminology Working group
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 3   Digitizing devices Working group
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 4   Interoperability Working group
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 5   Machined devices Working group
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 6   Machinable blanks Working group
    ISO/TC 106/SC 9/WG 7   Additive manufacturing of dental products Working group
    Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 106/SC 9

    The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 106/SC 9:

    Reference Title ISO/IEC
    ISO/TC 106/SC 3 Terminology ISO
    ISO/TC 261 Additive manufacturing ISO


    Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 106/SC 9

    ISO/TC 106/SC 9 can access the documents of the committees below:

    Reference Title ISO/IEC
    ISO/TC 261 Additive manufacturing ISO

    ISO/TC 106/SC 9 - Secretariat

    JISC [Japan]

    Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
    Technical Regulations, Standards & Conformity Assessment Policy Unit
    Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
    1-3-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku
    Tokyo 100 - 8901

    Tel: +81 3 35 01 94 71
    Fax: +81 3 35 80 86 37